NETIQUETTE ETIQUETTE There are several behaviours which are considered rude on StrangeMUD and will probably earn spite and dislike from other players if you exhibit them. Below are listed a few examples of these behaviours which, although not strictly against policy, are inadvisable to players who wish to be socially accepted in our worlds. 1. Following people without their permission (excluding NPCs) is generally uncool. 2. Kill-stealing (attacking a mob that a person not grouped with you is fighting) is VERY uncool, and repeat offenses may be punished by a god. 3. Recalling, teleporting, or charming another player is considered rude. 4. Casting protective spells upon mobs that other players are trying to kill is definitely uncool, and may be deemed an attempt to kill those players. 5. Casting of area-effect spells without fair warning to other players in your zone is *very* rude, and may result in disciplinary action, if someone is killed. 6. If you kill a mob who has unusual equipment, it may be a scavenger mob that has taken things from a player's corpse. In this case, it is polite to ask around and find out if the stuff belongs to anyone in the game. 7. Begging for money from other players is irritating and will earn you no respect from them whatsoever, especially if you don't go out and get some yourself. (Borrowing money from a friend to remort or spec is something different -- we're talking about being level 3, sitting in the temple, and not asking for help grouping to kill things in order to get money. Nobody likes panhandlers.) 8. Writing personal messages on any public board is disallowed, and will result in removal of the offending message by a god. If you need to communicate with someone who is *not* online, use the post office. If you can't afford to, play to level 2 so you can. If it is an emergency, contact a god for assistance. 9. Deliberately misleading newbies, whether newbies by low level or newbies that have been boosted is very UNCOOL. Please remember we can not all be great players. Some need more help then others. This file will be updated as new offensive behaviours occur to its author. Questions and comments should be directed to Caila via mudmail, or email at Written by Caila 12/19/96