Quest Approval Form ------------------- To find out if your quest requires this form of approval, please refer to the questmanual. ----- This form must be completed before your quest can take place. Once you have completed the form e-mail it to the person you want to supervise/approve your quest. Most people with the authority to approve quests are busy in real life, so pick carefully. Your supervisor will read the form and make comments and mail it back to you. Once you finish the quest, attach this form to the quest report form and e-mail them both to 1 NAME: _________________ 2 Quest Title: __________ 3 When do you want to run this quest? 4 Basic quest idea:______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 5 Level quest is designed for: _____ 5a> Number of people you expect for the quest:_______ 5b> Minimum number of people needed:______ 5c> Maximum number of people the quest can handle ensuring all take an active role, and before making the quest too simple:_____ 5d> WHAT LEVEL WAS YOUR LAST QUEST DESIGNED FOR?_______________ 6 What are your backup plans should you have, 6A> More people than expected? 6B> Less people than expected? 6C> No interest at all in the quest? 6D> Mortals not part of the quest interfere? 6E> Immortals not part of the quest interfere? 6F> The quest is designed on a time frame of when you have a real life commitment, 3/4 of the way through the quest the MUD crashes, what do you do?____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 7 Will mobs be needed? 7a) If yes, will mobs have to be loaded or will they be used in their present location? *NOTE* Mobs that have to be moved from their standard location, HAVE TO BE LOADED AND CAN NOT HAVE THEIR NORMAL EQUIPMENT LOADED FOR THEM. 7b) If no, explain why: 8 Will items have to be loaded? 8a)If yes which items, include vnum: i> are they limited? ii> are they hard to get/rarely obtainable under normal play conditions? 9 How will you supervise the quest? 9a) Be in the group 9b) Act in an omnipotent fashion 9c) rely on other imms to help 9d) rely on members of the group to inform you 10 Will you NEED another Immortal's help : 10a) To switch into mobs? 10b) Watch/Supervise other groups involved? 10c) Have you asked the other immortal to help, and have they agreed knowing they will be liable for all problems incurred as a result (either direct or indirect) of their actions or lack of action? 10d) Have you arranged to have your sponsor on at the time the quest is to be run? 11 Will you need commands granted (a list of possible granted commands are listed at the bottom of the form)? 11a) If yes, which commands, and why do you need them? 12 Will the quest points be awarded or will the equipment collected serve as the prize? 12a) If some items given as prizes are limited or rare YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONSIDER ALTERNATIVE MEASURES TO REWARDING PARTICIPANTS, discuss your alternatives (2 alternatives required). 12b) Discuss your plan of awarding participants. 13 How will you handle: 13a) Negative criticism? 13b) Positive comments? 14 Do you think you have covered all possible questions we or the participants may ask? ______________________________________________________________________________ Space for Supervisor's use only ------------------------------- Have you read and understood fully what the questrunner intends to do? Have you made comments through out the form to help the questrunner? Do you approve the quest such as it was when you received this form? For what dates do you approve this quest, i.e. when will you consider your approval to have expired? Your name:_____________________ Note: Do not approve quests based on changes you have made to it. Send the form back to the questrunner with the words NOT APPROVED in the correct space and provide a reason for it not being approved. It is then up to the quest runner to resend the form and have the needed changes made to their quest for you to approve it. This is a time consuming process but one that we feel necessary to ensure a good, fair, and fun quest. Should you suspect that the questrunner submits a quest you rejected to another for approval, report the instance to all people with quest approving authority and to Policy. We will not tolerate being played against each other. ______________________________________________________________________________ ********************************************************* *A brief summary of commands often used to plan a quest:* ********************************************************* LOAD - This command allows creation of mobs or objects that exist in the game's database. STRING - This command allows creation of mobs/items without adding them to the game permanently by changing the physical appearance (keywords, descriptions) of an existing mob or object. SWITCH - This command allows an immortal to 'switch into', or temporarily become, a mob in the game. String and switch DO NOT disable an NPC's flags (an AGGRESSIVE mob will still be aggressive, even if you are switched into it and don't attack) or mobprogs (a Mariah Carey restrung as a shrubbery will still sing, urinate on players, and claim to be the most beautiful whore in town). Consider this and choose your mobs carefully. :) In addition, these commands do not alter the stats of a mob or object -- the Tick restrung as a harmless puppy still has several thousand hitpoints and multiple attacks, and a bread strung as a scroll of recall is still food, not a magical item. A word to the wise: a good questrunner should also 'mpstat' any ------------------- mob s/he plans to use during the quest, and many mobs have nasty greet_progs or may summon other mobs to help them. Using 'stat' and 'mpstat' will help give the questrunner an idea of what the quest participants are truly up against. TRANSFER - This command is handy for transporting mobs and players around the MUD as necessary for completion of the quest. Updated by Caila 9/25/98